Your safety is the highest priority at SoundMind Medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following guidelines and precautions will be in place until further notice: 

Practice precautions and guidelines:

  • Dr. Miller will wear an N95 mask covered by a surgical mask at all times, and gloves whenever hooking you up to biofeedback or neurofeedback sensors

  • Dr. Miller will maintain social distance unless hooking you up to biofeedback or neurofeedback sensors

  • Equipment and surfaces will be disinfected with Protex (a CDC-approved disinfectant proven to kill coronaviruses) between sessions

  • A medical grade HEPA filter will be running during and between sessions

  • Appointments will be spaced out at minimum of an hour apart to allow time to ventilate and disinfect equipment and surfaces

  • Single use coverings for chairs and the couch will be provided so you do not need to worry about touching the fabric

  • Hand sanitizer will be available

  • Dr. Miller has migrated to contactless (digital) forms and payment methods

  • Dr. Miller will be taking temperatures and pulse ox as a screening measure upon your arrival

Patient precautions and guidelines:

  • If you are attending unmasked indoor gatherings with people outside of your household, please be conscientious and to do not engage in in-person training at this time.

  • If you are feeling ill or have been knowingly exposed to to coronavirus or exposed to any sick individual within 14 days of your appointment, please cancel your appointment. Cancellation fees will be waived in this circumstance.

  • When you schedule your appointment, you will be asked to sign a new digital form regarding practice changes due to COVID-19

  • Wear a mask that is securely fitted. If you do not have one, you will be provided one to wear during your appointment

  • Please wait in your car until your scheduled appointment time. If you are coming by another mode of transportation, it is ok to come in to the office.

  • Please stop in the bathroom and wash your hands before entering the office suite. Grab an extra paper towel if you do not want to touch the suite door handle. You are encouraged you to wash your hands on the way out.

  • Simply knock on the office door when you arrive, there is no waiting area.